Children's Society

The Children's Society Policy Team (@ChildSocPol) | Twitter

Traditionally, St Andrew’s Church has had a long association with the Children’s Society, having over many years taken part in the National Street collections, Christingle services and using the Home collection boxes.

Right now in Britain there are children and young adults who feel scared, unloved and unable to cope. The Children’s Society work with these young people, for as long as it takes and last year were able to make life better for more than three million young people across our country.

They listen, they support, they act, because they feel that no child should feel alone.

Perhaps others would consider having a collection box, they are emptied annually, it is a simple and easy way to collect your small change, every little helps, however small.

Please contact Rob Butcher  if you would like a box and I will deliver it to you.

The Children's Society Website



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